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    The Induction programme for the first year Engineering students of PEC was held from 23.09.2024 to 09.10.2024

    Induction Programme for the first year engineering students of Paavai College of Engineering was held... More >>

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    Saraswathi & Aayutha pooja celebrations held at Paavai on 10.10.2024

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    19th Graduation Day - II was held on 29.09.2024

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    Inauguration Ceremony of First-Year Classes at Paavai Engineering Colleges was held from 19.09.2024, 20.09.2024 & 21.09.2024

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    Faculty Induction Programme Inauguration organized by the department of FDD held on 09.09.2024

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    The CII and IWN organized the launch of the Campus to Career program on 05.09.2024.

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    Paavai celebrated Teachers' Day as 'Guru Vanakkam' on 04.09.2024.

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    The department of BME organized an alumni guest lecture on 24.08.2024

    The Department of BME organized an alumni guest lecture program titled "Unlocking Your Potential." The... More >>

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    Paavai Women Empowerment Series XXV was held on 21.08.2024

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    78th Independence day was celebrated on 15.08.2024

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    An exclusive workshop was organised on the topic "Be an Empowered Teacher" from 20.06.2024 to 24.06.2024

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    An exclusive programme was held on 30.05.2024, 03.06.2024 & 04.06.2024 for first year students of PEC & PCE

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    Yoga day celebrations held on 21.06.2024

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The Induction programme for the first year Engineering students of PEC was held from 23.09.2024 to 09.10.2024

Induction Programme for the first year engineering students of Paavai College of Engineering was held from 23.09.2024 to 09.10.2024 at Brilliant Hall and Pragathi Hall. The Inauguration of the Induction programme was held at Anandha Arangam on 23.09.2024 at 10.00 am. The programme started invoking God’s blessings through the prayer song, followed by lighting of the kuthuvilakku. A.Ajmal, III- Year, Cyber Security welcomed the gathering. Shri.CA.N.V.Natarajan Chairman, Paavai Educational Institutions delivered the Inaugural Address in which he emphasized on virtues of love, care and concern for our fellow beings. These core values set the tone for a profound call to the pursuit of knowledge as an ongoing academic journey. Sir stressed on the relevance for engineers to contribute and innovate which can provide enormous value to the society. Sir added that every Paavai student should inculcate the aptitude for innovation which drives progress and helps engineers to develop solutions to many complex problems. In his address he focused on learning opportunities for students and ignited in students the passion for learning with exhilarating academic experiences. Smt.Mangai Natarajan, Correspondent, Paavai Educational Institutions felicitated the gathering. Madam highlighted the importance of students shouldering responsibilities and making optimal use of college life while at Paavai. Mam also directed students to carve an identity of their own by developing their skill sets to excel in their field of Engineering. She also focused on the Paavai Mantra “Own our Words and Deeds” which would ingrain strong values, responsibilities and accountability in students. The objectives were read out by G.Suwathini Sree, III- Year, CSE.

After the inauguration, the technical sessions commenced. Chairman sir, Mrs.C.Jayalakshmi, Dean Counseling,  Dr.Immanuvel, Vice Principal, PCE , Mrs.M.Vimala , 1st year HoD, PCE, Dr.A.Hepsi Rachel Chellarani Principal, PCNR, Dr.N.Ezhili, Principal, PASCW,  Dr.D.Saravanan,HoD,EEE & Exam Cell Incharge, PCE Dr.K.Sundaramurthy, Head, IQAC, Dr.R.Thamariselvan, Head, Placement and Training, Dr. J.Murshitha Banu, Head, FDD,PEC, Dr.R.Shanthi, HoD/English, PEC Dr.D.Bhanumanthy, HoD/CSE,PEC, Dr.R.Mohanapriya,ASP/ECE,PEC,Mrs.R.Pradeepa,ASP,Maths,PEC, Mrs.Uma,ASP,Maths,PEC, Mrs.C.Manjula,ASP,Maths,PEC,Dr.V.Subburam,Professor,Mech,PEC, Mr.M.D.S.Rajaruban,AP,FoodTech,PEC Mr.Radhakrishnan, Senior Grade AP,English, PEC, Dr.E. Kamalasekar ASP,PPSC G.Ravikumar(Japanese), and Mr.Elavarasan Yoga trainer, were the eminent resource speakers for the programme who shed light on important topics such as ,’Goal Setting’, ‘Transition from School to College’, ‘Paavai Culture’, ‘Achievements of Paavai’, ‘, ‘Biomimicry’, ‘ Examination System’, ‘Beauty of Mathematics’, ‘Career Opportunities’, ‘Be Liberated ,Be happy’, ‘Be Fluent’, ‘ICT Tools for Learning’, ‘Time Management’, ‘Life Saving Skills’, ‘Foreign Language’, ‘Sharing Experiences of Paavai’ and ‘Yoga’.

Shri.CA.N.V.Natarajan Chairman, Paavai Educational Institutions delivered his speech on the title “Goal Setting”. In his session, first and foremost, he interacted with the students about the need of the Goal Setting Programme. He quoted Abdul Kalam sir’s important message during his visit to Paavai – 1. Aim before age 20, 2. Acquire Continuous Knowledge, 3. Hardwork and 4. Perseverance. Sir advised students to abide by the same. He defined goals and explained the importance of preparation to accomplish their goals. He correlated his life incident of setting a goal at the age 17 and how he could make that come true through hard and smart work. Sir emphasized the importance of setting a goal and elaborated the seven important points for Goal setting. Further he explained what happens when students proceed without setting goals for their future. He expounded on fixing ‘SMART’ goals which will propel students towards success. He elucidated the seven steps for goal setting and also instructed everyone to create a vision of who they want to be in the next ten years. He listed the six components to sustain victory namely genuine goals, right pathway, constant and continuous effort, hard and smart work, high discipline and God faith. He also narrated compelling stories of two friends, one of them who had high resources but because of lack of goals faced total failure in the end. The other friend who through his goals and persistent hard work was crowned with glory and success in the end.   Finally, Sir concluded by stating that,” set your goal, shape your future and be a winner always”.

Mrs.M.Vimala , 1st year HoD, PCE, delivered her speech on ‘Paavai Culture’. She explained the Paavai Mantra, Principles, Belief and Code. She detailed about classroom behavior and the principles which should be followed in Paavai. She strongly imposed the culture to be followed strictly on and off the college campus. Dr.Immanuvel, Vice Principal, PCE spoke on the topic “Achievements of Paavai”. He highlighted the awards, recognitions clinched by the students and the faculty members. He explained the facilities and the opportunities available in Paavai College of Engineering.

Mrs.C.Jayalakshmi, Dean Counseling, Paavai Institutions delivered her speech on ‘Transition from School to College.’ She said that change is a stressful experience for any one. But for those who have prepared themselves mentally, nothing is difficult. Shifting from school to college is adopting the change in the mode of education and move on further in the process of learning. She also elucidated in detail about the significance of education for women and their role in the society. She encouraged the students to shed their inhibitions and bring out their latent talents by participating in various events.

Mrs.Pradeepa ASP, Mathematics, PEC, Mrs.Uma, ASP,Maths,PEC and Mrs.C.Manjula, ASP, Maths, PEC elaborated the topic, ‘Beauty of Mathematics’. In their session, they beautifully explained how mathematics plays an important role in day to day life. They also taught mathematics in simple ways and elucidated its usage in everyday life. They have shown various videos related to mathematics. Dr.J.MurshithaBanu,Head, FDD, Dr.R.Shanthi,HoD,English,PEC, Mr.Radhakrishnan, SeniorGrade AP,  English, PEC  elaborated the essence of “Be Fluent”. They acquainted the students with the skills of English language such as Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. They gave tips to improve one’s Communication skills. In this Session, the students came to know about the importance of English.

Dr.D.Bhanumathy, CSE, HoD, PEC, delivered on the title “Be liberated, be happy”. In this session, she made everybody to relax and created a stress-free environment. They showed various videos on stress management. She made the students lively and engaged. Dr.K.Sundaramurthy, Head, IQAC Dr.V.Subburam, Professor, Mechanical, PEC and addressed the students on ‘Time Management’. In their session, they clearly explained about the importance of time and the necessity to manage time for the students to achieve their goal within a stipulated time. Dr.D.Saravanan,HoD,EEE & Exam Cell Incharge, spoke on the title ‘Examination System’. He briefly discussed about the rules and regulations of Paavai and he gave enumerated the rules of the examination system to the students. Dr.N.Ezhili, Principal, PASCW in her topic entitled ‘Biomimicry’ explained Biomimetics which is the practice of drawing inspiration from nature to solve human problems. Students enjoyed knowing about designs, processes and systems found in living organisms and adapting them to create innovative solutions.

Dr.R.MohanapriyaASP,ECE,PEC, and Mr.M.D.S.Rajaruban,AP,Food Tech, PEC elaborated on the significance of ‘ICT Tools for Learning’. They pointed out the difference between traditional learning and ICT learning resources. They guided students on how to boost their memory and develop memory recall through software resources like Quizlet, Anki and Cram. They listed out the different online learning tools for enhanced learning. They also stressed on Swayam App, online learning courses and asked the students to register in the app.

Dr.R.Thamaraiselvan, Head Paavai Educational Institutions delivered his speech on ‘Career Opportunities’. He described how to choose a career with clear knowledge. He described clearly about grooming skills, problem solving skills and communication skills. He insisted the students to speak in English without any hesitation to face interview and group discussion. He also created an awareness regarding the recruitment and the expectation of the companies.  

Dr.A.Hepsi Rachel Chellarani Principal,PCNR, and Dr.E. Kamalasekar ASP, PPSC, delivered their speech on ‘Life Saving Skills’. They shed light on life saving skills which are essential for students wherein they learn how to respond to emergency like snake bites, fainting and heart attacks. They learnt basic first aid tips and also watched a relevant videos on CPR. They also trained students on treating insect stings and bites, treating students who faint in campus and how to treat a choking person.

Mr.Ravikumar Japanese Trainer, PEC, highlighted the importance of Japanese language. His session was very informative and enjoyable. He also emphasized on the importance of learning this beautiful language which would open up various job opportunities especially in international business, tourism and translation for the students across the world in the near future. Mr.Elavarasan Yoga trainer, Paavai Educational Institutions demonstrated the benefits of various asanas and yoga exercises. He instilled the young minds to stay fit and healthy to have a successful life. The students’ coordinators of all clubs, highlighted their club activities through a session on “Sharing Experiences of Paavai”. They inspired and enthused the students’ interest in joining various clubs which would add on their credentials for their academic growth. Around seventeen topics were handled for six days. Some of the students recorded their feedback. Totally 493 students benefitted from this programme.

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