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Governing Council

The cardinal function of the governance is to act as a vital bridge between stakeholders and management. Our college has a robust governing council comprising of individuals from diverse backgrounds. This council is responsible for shaping all academic and administrative policies and decisions. To ensure its effectiveness, various administrative and academic bodies with specific roles and responsibilities have been established. The governing council convenes annually to address a range of issues impacting the college’s growth. During these meetings, ideas are deliberated upon and a plan is devised to achieve the organization’s objectives.


  • Develop mechanisms to create credible development plans for the college.
  • Design strategic, long-term policy frameworks, and initiatives, and monitor their progress and effectiveness.
  • Utilize lessons learned from monitoring and feedback to make innovative improvements, including necessary adjustments.
  • Provide advice and foster partnerships between key stakeholders and national and international educational and policy research institutions.
  • Establish a supportive system for knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurship through collaboration with national and international experts, practitioners, and partners.


  • Approve and implement policies as needed.
  • Approve faculty appointments recommended by the institution’s selection committee, following norms set by AICTE and Anna University.
  • Oversee construction and maintenance of infrastructure and amenities.
  • Review the institution’s academic performance and suggest remedial actions if necessary.
  • Mobilize funds and utilize resources effectively for institution development.


S.No Name Designation Position
1 Shri.C.A.Natarajan Chairman Chairperson
2 Smt.N.Mangaiarkarasi Correspondent Member
3 Shri.Mr.K.Senthil Director-Admission Member
4 Dr.D.Elangovan Professor and Deputy Director TIFAC CORE, Vellore Istitute of Technology, Vellore. Academician
5 Mr.P.Purushothaman Asst-Manager-HR, Jom Auto Ltd, Chennai. Industrialist
6 Dr.C. Sureshkumar Principal Member Secretary
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