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Exam Cell

Mechanism of internal/ external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time- bound and efficient

The Institution adheres to the academic schedule framed by Anna University and formulates its own Academic Calendar. The Exam Cell adheres to this Institutional Academic Calendar for conducting Internal Assessment Examinations. The internal assessment schedule, syllabus coverage, question pattern, and the importance of student attendance and performance in internal assessments are communicated and discussed with all staff and students through Department Exam Coordinators.

Internal Assessment question papers are framed in accordance with course outcomes and Bloom’s Taxonomy and verified by department heads. The Exam Cell prepares and circulates the Internal Examination Time Table and duty chart to all faculties in advance to ensure smooth conduct of internal exams. The hall plan and seating arrangements are prepared and displayed on the notice board on examination days.

The evaluation scheme and solutions are prepared by the respective faculty upon completion of the internal assessment. Following this, the answer sheets are evaluated by the respective faculty within two days of completing the respective examinations. Next, the answer sheets are distributed to the students, and the solutions are discussed with them by the respective faculty members. Finally, faculty members address student grievances and concerns, and if any discrepancies are found, they resolve them promptly.

The student performance in internal assessment examinations is noted within three days of commencement. Department Heads’ and faculty members’ suggestions are gathered through department exam coordinators for remedial actions to improve student performance in internal assessments.

Remedial tests are conducted to improve the performance of slow learners. Additionally, remedial test performance will also be considered for internal assessment web portal entry.

Anna University conducts external examinations, maintaining transparency throughout. Prior to each semester, the University issues academic schedules. Before examinations commence, it releases external examination timetables and question patterns. The University appoints external and internal examiners for practical and theory exams. Students with 75% attendance receive hall tickets for university exams. Hall tickets are distributed in advance. Students report hall ticket errors (name, registration number, date of birth) to the exam cell, which forwards concerns to the University for Resolution.

Anna University’s Controller of Examinations (COE) resolves examination-related grievances, including photocopy requests and result revaluations. After results are released, students can request re-evaluation if they dispute their marks. The university then provides photocopies of answer scripts within a stipulated timeframe. Students can request reassessment after reviewing photocopies. The university evaluates these applications. If still unsatisfied, students can submit a challenge valuation.

The institution efficiently addresses examination grievances (conduct, question papers, evaluation, and result publication errors) and escalates them to the University for Prompt Resolution.

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