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Student Centric Methods

The ongoing work is being done by our institution to adopt several appropriate learning methodologies in order to shift the teaching and learning processes toward student-centric approaches. To guarantee that students are engaged in the teaching-learning process, teachers receive ongoing training and professional development. They also implement problem-solving and collaborative learning strategies. These educational procedures foster the development of students’ communication, problem-solving, and listening skills as well as their knowledge and participation in a variety of programs that support their holistic growth. The following is a list of the methodologies.

 Experiential Learning:  

  • Each student is guided through an experiential learning journey tailored to the curriculum, integrating both theoretical and practical aspects according to Bloom’s Taxonomy levels.
  • Departments arrange industrial visits and internships each semester to provide students with real-world industry experience.
  • Students undertake mini and major projects to enhance their practical learning Experience.
  • Eminent industry experts are invited for guest lectures to provide students and faculty with up- to-date knowledge on recent technological advancements.
  • The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is established to ensure high-quality education through ongoing reviews and regular meetings.

Participative learning:

  • Symposia and project contests are organized to allow students to test their coding skills and tackle engaging real-world challenges.
  • Students engage in online lecture tutorials and NPTEL courses. To enhance current instructional methods, students are exposed to real-world scenarios through role-play activities.
  • Students are encouraged to take part in national and international competitions, conferences, seminars, and workshops both within and outside the college.
  • Students are motivated to engage in professional society events, where they can showcase their ideas and innovations for potential awards and recognition.
  • Seminars, industrial visits, and guest lectures help students grasp concepts and understand how to apply them effectively.
  • Students are encouraged to engage in internal and external workshops, as well as national and international conferences.
  • Value-added courses and workshops are offered to provide hands-on experience with the latest technologies.
  • Various club activities foster teamwork and social responsibility among students.
  • Collaborative project work with industry partners allows students to gain practical experience and deepen their knowledge through interactions with professionals and scientists.

Problem solving methodologies:

  • Tutorial classes are included in the course structure to develop students’ problem-solving skills and complement the regular teaching process.
  • Problem-solving skills are further emphasized through case study questions in internal assessments and model exams, and by engaging students in industry-related problems via the “Problem Box” initiative.
  • Free internet access in the library and campus-wide Wi-Fi facilities encourage self-learning and foster discussions among students.
  • In addition to general aptitude and logical reasoning classes, second and third-year students have access to value-added programs designed to enhance their problem-solving abilities.

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